Super Bonder
- Suitable for all adhesives
- Increase the elasticity of the adhesive.
- Maximize eyelash retention up to 30%
- Cost-effective - I bottle can be used for 150 - 200 clients.
- Clients can wet their lashes within a few minutes after treatment.
- Say goodbye to nanomisters or nebulizers!
- Formaldehvde-free
- Suitable for classic and volume lashes
- Decrease sensitivity
- Once you've completed the eyelash treatment, squeeze I small drop of Super bonder onto a microfibre brush and carefully apply at the bottom 2-3mm of the eyelash set (adhesive area).
- Make sure to apply only a small drop of the product to avoid getting it into the client's eye.
- Allow the product to dry for 1-2 minutes.
- remove the eyepatches and let the client open their eyes.