
About Me & My Journey

Welcome to Lucero Lashes and Beauty, where I, Jessica Lucero, am thrilled to guide you on your journey into the captivating world of Lashing. As the founder, I've meticulously curated a range of products that reflect the pinnacle of my years-long vetting process, ensuring you kickstart your lashing career with the very best.

My entrance into the realm of Lash Artistry was a serendipitous discovery in 2019, born out of sheer boredom and a desire to gift my friends with free lashes. Little did I know that this seemingly spontaneous decision would transform into a passion and a thriving career. With over a decade in the medical field, I felt the need for a change and decided to explore the beauty industry as a refreshing side step. What began as a casual pursuit quickly evolved into a full-fledged commitment. I embraced the challenge of juggling full-time work, lash practice during evenings and weekends, and attending school to obtain my Esthetician license, which I proudly achieved in December 2019.

While in school, my exposure to various aspects of skincare unveiled a profound passion that now shares my professional focus alongside lashes. Today, I divide my time between the artistry of lashes and the science of skincare, finding equal joy and fulfillment in both realms. This unexpected career shift has proven to be a transformative journey, allowing me to become my own boss and establish a brand of my own.

Being a lash artist and an Esthetician has opened doors I never anticipated, providing me with endless opportunities and the ability to shape my own destiny. The limitless potential of growth lies ahead, and I am dedicated to continuing this upward trajectory. Sharing my experiences and insights is not just a goal but the first crucial step in my mission to guide and encourage emerging talents in this industry. I am here to empower and assist you on your path, confident that the sky is the limit for all of us. Join me on this exciting adventure, and let's elevate the world of Lashing together.